Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweatin’ Balls

That’s what my sister would say right now. And this one lives in Arizona. Where it’s hot.

Ok, trying something new here, guys: I’m blogging….while lying on my belly.

Yes, this is a big deal to me. I never ever lie on my belly because then I’ll have arm constrictions or I can’t breathe plus I don’t know what to do with my legs…is it just me or could that be taken the wrong way?

Ok leaving the gutter and now back to what I wanted to post about in the first place:


If that’s a movie or television show or book series, let it be known: I’m NOT talking bout that.
Ok first, rolling OFF my belling, can’t breathe and my hnds re losing coircultion and I cnt tupe and my viens re popping out like cryzy

Ok better now.
Felt like this

So, Inbetweeners: I like to think of it as a stage in life.

My few personal close friends and I who have now all reached 18 have all hit the “Sick of parents, ready to move out but not quite” phase.
If you’ve been a teenager, I’m sure most can identify with the ‘sick of parents’ part. But the ‘ready to move out’ and ‘but not quite’ parts I think are more inimitable. Love that word.
Some of my friends have bee fortunate enough to have a sibling to stay with and can say they’ve ‘left home’. Others live with their parents, but are practically the adult in the situation. Or it’s more like they’re roommates just not paying rent because they and their parents don’t seem like family anymore. Each case is unique, but to all Inbetweeners, we seem to be missing one key thing that holds us back from leaving the nest; that’s what unites us. What sets us apart is the key thing itself, each thing being as different as the person it holds back, whether it be the intelligence to live on our own or the financial support.
So until we move out and leave the phase, we are the Inbetweeners: between two stages of life.

MMM bored. Yes, I realize I’m blogging earlier than I predicted but I’ve got my reasons. I’d preferably be asleep but that doesn’t work too well for me. I can’t fall asleep on my own and 1 sleeping pill doesn’t do squat for me. However, 2 pills makes me sick. Which I found out the hard way. This morning. Well it was more of a reminder cause it wasn’t the first time and probably won’t be the last. I never learn :P

Oh! Random here: I watched a video on tongue-splitting. Holy crap. Blood. Not a phobia of mine but I could hear the cut and it was just….yehhh (shudder). For some reason I could recall the slight pain I received from getting my piercings. It wasn’t really noticeable, honestly! But the 1/4th of a second when a needle is jammed through the skin…it’s incomparable. But seeing that video made the little pain just prolong itself in my mind and ugh I’m surprised I can remember the feeling so clearly. But then I remembered I LOVE my piercings and contemplated if I’d get another one. I know I wont for a few months, I’m rather impulsive right now.

Like dangerously. For example: I saw a picture (ONE PICTURE) of someone with dreadlocks. Poof! I remembered how I wouldn’t mind having dreads. But then I had to remind myself the upkeep and how I’d have to go back to being blonde and the dust…

Then I saw a video of some guy giving a hedgehog a bath. Poof! I remembered I wanted, really wanted, a hedgehog. Then I had to remind myself I don’t need to spend the money I have on that cause I need to save for the future and keep some money for when unexpected things pop up and blah blah.
So I should be careful right now.

For the record, I just happened to look up hedgehogs on Youtube, which showed a video of a guy holding a hedgehog with tatoos so OF COURSE I clicked on it which led me to the guy giving the hedgehog a bath who had a video of his tongue splitting so that’s how I hopped on that train. I’m a web creeper like that.
For another record, if I got a hedgehog, I am NOT naming it Sonic. Ever. No no no. Ugh if you only knew how many times I’ve been told that…
To let you know, I freak out about how cute hedgehogs are much like how most react to seeing a baby. You got the awwww’s and the high pitched voices, the funny faces that make you look retarded, you name it.

Well I’m finally beginning to yawn so hopefully I’ll go to bed soon. Till next time, here’s a video that involves boys, Poops, and ice.

P.S. “Do you think James Bond ever wanted to snap his fingers and say “Don’t you know who I am?””

1 comment:

  1. the inbetween life stage sucks. >< But, at the same times, its kind of nice. ? I mean, even though its find out stuff that is [more or lesss] important D:

    I totally know that impulsive feeling. I do that when I go shopping. 'I WANT THAT> OOOOH< THAT TOO!!! I MIGHT AS WELL TRY THIS ON JUST IN CASE. OH WAIT. GO BACK!! I WANT THAT TOO."

    then I get buyers guilt and put back 3/4s of the stuff I grabbed, or end up staring at them in the dressing room, wondering why the hell I grabbed that in the first place XD
