Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Artistically Constipated

Inspiration is the only laxative

I like to think I’m pretty creative. But that’s on my own terms, like at 2 in the morning when it’s just me, some music, and Sharpies.

But when someone just throws down a blank piece of paper in front of me and says ‘decorate’ I’m about as creative as a box of rocks.

I encountered a scenario similar to that a few days ago and I stared at a canvas that was mine, free to decorate however I wished, and I couldn’t think of anything, for nearly an hour. It took a while, but eventually I admitted I was artistically constipated.

I needed an inspiration laxative to complete the project, which believe me, is difficult to find.

I have yet to become un-constipated and the canvas is still blank. I’m hoping I’ll have an epiphany and go crazy with some sharpies or something. If I think of anything, I’ll post it, or if you guys have any ideas or tips, let me know!!

-sigh- I've got like no humor right now. Sorry guys :/ not been the best day.
I love how everyone seems so shocked that it’s hot. I know, you know, we all know: it’s hot outside. It’s humid. It’ll probably be hot tomorrow. Most likely the next day, even. But everyday, on Facebook, I’ll see probably 3 statuses that all remark how flipping hot it is. It’s nothing new. It’s like this every summer. Then, when winter comes around, everyone will complain how it’s too cold. Like summer’s humidity, winter’s cold is nothing new, either. Yet everyone acts so surprised.

There is just no pleasing some people.

I know I’ve done my fair share of complaining, but I’m trying not to anymore, and just learning to tolerate it. I’ve lived in the same state for 15+ years, so I’ve obviously survived the humidity and snow drifts before. I’m guessing I’ll be able to survive this summer.
Few things I’ve learned the hard way about summer:
1. Bugs bite. Bites itch. If you scratch them, they get worse. Bug spray stings 30x more after you’ve been bitten than before. To avoid looking like a crazy drug addict in withdrawal, just put on the smelly bug spray.

2. The sun will burn you. The burn, like any, will hurt. Unlike my other burns though, I’ve gotten this burn without touching anything. Peeling skin is never attractive. Plus, you never want to be compared to this guy.

3. If you don’t hydrate, you get dehydrated. That is one of the worst things I can think of enduring when it’s fricken hot out and you just want to throw up. Makes you feel like you’re dying. If you’re thirsty, you’re already on the way to being dehydrated. Drink water even if you’re not thirsty.

**later note---be careful what you drink. Sugary drinks like pop are worthless, juices are iffy, and coffee and tea may taste great, but careful on how much you drink. I had like +65 ounces of tea *yesterday*. I have yet to yawn and it's nearly 5 in the morning. Drink water, it's best**
4. Summers don’t last forever. It’s just like an extended weekend. Eventually, Monday will come, and so will reality. Enjoy today, because tomorrow is just another day closer to Monday.

One thing that makes me laugh (bitterly) is when the people who have air conditioning and a heater that never breaks down complain more than I do.


So my dad just told me about this website, which at first when he mentioned that it was about college I immediately sighed and dropped my phone by my side, telling myself I’d check it later.
So later rolls around and I’m actually reading an article about College Conspiracies. It doesn’t discuss how many people drop out of college from partying too much or how many students have mental breakdowns, but how, right now, due to the economy, a college decree isn’t so special and just hints that you’re in debt. Big time.

I’m debating now, if I just want to say ‘screw you’ to college (not forever!!) until next year, for the fall 2012 semester (plus if the whole end-of-the-world thing is true, I’ll at least have spent some time being wild and not stressed from more schooling).

It’s just a thought, just an option. Nothing’s for sure.

I think a bug bit me through my jeans on my butt. I thought you should all know that, you know, just in case you were wondering :)

Mehh I should probably be going to bed soon. My mind is still going crazy from lots of thoughts, it’ll be a workout to get it to calm down and just settle so I can sleep.

So, since I always post a video, I first considered posting with Nyan cat in it. Then I remembered some video with a guy holding a giant cardboard poptart in a gym and a rainbow banner behind him. But then I remembered….the Nyan cat drives me insane. SOOOO I thought I’d save everyone’s insanity and probably the fate of the world and put a different video up instead. One that involves a leprechaun flute.

P.S.  “I don’t wear shorts because of Richard Simmons."

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