Saturday, July 30, 2011


If you don’t already know, I love people with red hair, more commonly referred to as Gingers.
Here are some famous gingers!!

Love it.

So if you recall, a few posts ago I posted how I am really impulsive right now. I –should- listen to that, and not do anything. But I’m not the listening type and I’m thinking of dyeing my hair red.
Gonna ginger-fy meself!

Now I know it wouldn’t be the natural ginger look, I don’t know if anyone’s perfected that dye yet…If they do, I’m going to get some!
BUT red hair. It’d be different to my black hair.
I find this funny because I love black hair and I considered keeping it black for probably 5 years before changing it. Or 20!
But for now (week or so?) I’m going to give (nearly) ginger a try.
If it doesn’t look natural (which it wont) it could end up looking similar to this…which I’m fine with :)

One thing though, that always stands in the way: my mom.
I know I’m over 18 so I don’t have to ask for permission and I really shouldn’t ask. Grace Hopper, once said “It’s easier to ask for permission than it is to get permission” and I really ought to start following that. However, being that my mom could kick me out, I think it might be better to remain in her good graces for now.
So I told my mom I was thinking of dying my hair red.
She nodded and said ‘Ok’.
This struck me so oddly, an hour later I just had to know why she was ok with it. Was she going to kick me out? Was she finally just becoming ok with the idea of me changing my appearance? Was she drunk!?
“Your hair is dyed pitch black. How would red be so different?”
I didn’t get it.
“I think your hair will just turn a funny color and I think you wont like it.” Was her reason.

She thinks it’ll fail, I’ll hate it, and so she wants to watch.
My excitement deflated a little.

I still am planning on doing it, even if it fails and turns into a waste of money.
  1. It’ll still be an experience
  2. I’ve always wanted to try it!
  3. It may end up me just going platinum blonde?
  4. I can always dye it back to black.

Besides, if it goes to a funny color, I most likely will just rock it for a few weeks. Why not?
When I got my industrial piercings, the piercer didn’t put them in the right place. I wanted:

but got

Did I correct him? No. I said ‘whatev!’ and kept it. And I love them :)

Anyways I’ve found some things to occupy my time. I get bored very easily and I get cabin fever, too :(
  1. Make bows! (I’ll blog more about those later)
  2. Writing
  3. Cleaning (lame: yes; fun: no: but it takes up time)
  4. Drawing
  5. Baking 
I baked a cake cause it’s my one year anniversary of being a Vegetarian!!! WOOOO!
I wanted to have some friends over and have a vegetarian meal, maybe pasta and tofu, cake, Fish Food ice cream…but didn’t work out. So I’m devouring this cake by myself. If I was going to get to have friends over, though, I would have spent a lot more time on this cake, just saying. Would have looked like this!

Ok enough bloggin for one day, off to do something. Write, clean, cook, sew, create a life map, stare at the walls, feed my cat cheese, do the Macarena…my options are endless!

I’m out.

Well here’s a music video WITH lyrics so you don’t end up like me:

Enjoy getting THIS song stuck in your head

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Times, New Reactions, and Sponges

I half-live under a rock, so if I ever learn of groundbreaking news, it’s because it was on MSN, my homepage. I usually spend 30 seconds scanning titles and usually pass onto my next website (Facebook) without opening any webpages on the news.

However, today, through the scrolling titles from the media, I recognized a picture of Amy Winehouse. ‘Dead at 27’ was under her picture. I paused for a moment, then clicked on the picture and read on more about the article.

Cause of death was yet unknown, and an autopsy was scheduled. There was the normal ‘thoughts with family and friends’ ‘prayers go out to friends and family’. I know, I’m sounding insensitive. No offense intended, but those statements are in every article or interview about someone who died. I’m not trying to be rude, really. I’m sure those close to Amy are devastated and will feel the pain of her absence.  The loss of any life is unfortunate and never fails to form a reminder on how precious life is and how quickly it can be lost.

But in all honesty, I barely feel a thing.

I’m not glad Amy is dead, but I’m not devastated, either. I heard little of her music and always liked the sound of her voice, it seemed from an older time. It stuck out in the mass of identical auto-tuned and altered voices in pop culture and she definitely brought something to the music table.

But I still don’t feel anything.

I know, I can be slightly emotion-less sometimes. And when it comes to death, there is no exception. I’ve recently discovered I’m disassociative and that’s how I’ve adapted to dealing with it. Not the best way, by any means, to deal with something. But it leaves me wandering how do other people deal with death.

Most still have that ‘emotion’ nerve connected to their heart, unlike me, and find death difficult or painful. But when it’s someone in the media, or more importantly, someone they weren’t close to, death is merely shrugged off.

I know the world fell down when Michael Jackson died. And then Billy Mays. I’m not sure if this is correct, but I’m thinking Anna Nicole Smith died around then, too, and I was thinking “Jeeze, everyone’s dying!”

I know even then, I didn’t feel much sadness, I was merely surprise that it happened.
I think that’s the general reaction. A little surprise.

Like how surprised you are when you find out some celebrities you rarely hear of tied the knot. Or a business you never went to closed down. Or someone had a baby.

If you aren’t close to them, or related to them, then often, it’s not celebrated in the glory or miracle that it is. It, like death, is often shrugged off, rarely given a second thought. Plus, you know the person it concerns is someone you won’t be seeing much anymore. If new parent, they’re going to be busy with the new baby. If they’re dead, well they’re just dead.

(For the unfortunate record, I’ve reacted more to Sesame street changing Cookie Monster to the Vegetable Monster, and changing the Grouch’s trashcan home to a recycling bin, than to most deaths of someone I didn’t really care about.)

Sometimes, I’ve seen, people care more about the unique name of a celebrity baby. Example: Did people really care that Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin (Coldplay) had a daughter, or were they more focused on her name? She could grow up to change the world! There’s no knowing of what she’ll do, of course. But people weren’t thinking of that, or how two souls combined to form this beautiful little girl, they honestly were thinking more of how many puns they could create from the name of ‘Apple’. Great world. We’re so caring.

There it is: if we don’t care about the person, then whatever news is about them is shrugged off.

What kind of world do we live in where two very contrasting things (birth, death) are treated with the same emotion?

“Hey, did you know (insert name) just (died/had a baby {or is pregnant})?”
            “Oh no I didn’t. Huh. Weird.”
            “No way! When did that happen?”
            “Didn’t see that coming.”
            “Huh. Wow.”
[Then, we move on with our lives.]
“Hey did you hear (sports team) won the (coordinating sport) game?”

It works both ways. Horrible.

This is the time where people make those “(Insert problem in today’s society) is not okay” pictures for people to post and repost on their blog so others can reblog if they agree with it. Oh, the power of the internet is both amazing and a nuisance.

A friend of mine posted as her Facebook status how she thinks her computer contributes to her insomnia. I can’t help but agree. I pulled yet another all-nighter this week without even trying. Is my computer to blame? Who knows.

Give it a few weeks, someone will come out with this amazing study from how computers cause disturbances to our sleeping patterns and, in guys’ cases, can lower sperm count (oh the nostalgia of all those myths from high school).

The same friend of mine I just mentioned also discussed the topic (of how people are emotionless) with me a little bit and blogged about it as well. She pointed out how we need to not waste emotions on dumb stuff (her example was yelling at her dogs) and start enjoying the little things again. I agree.  And, if you could, at least offer condolences or a ‘congratulations’ and actually mean it. If you didn’t care for who died, then at least care for those who survived the one who died. Those are the ones in pain.

I’m not implying that everyone in the world is heartless, I know there are lots of good people in the world. But when there are more people who don’t care than those who do, I know it is time for a change.

Now, I leave you in hopes of getting some sleep. I’ve got commitments tomorrow and those are ones I really don’t want to fall asleep through.

For a healthy laugh (the laugh is healthy, the video can be slightly perverted if interpreted that way, I choose not to) enjoy this video that involves sponges.

P.S. “You know, you sound like Foghorn Leghorn…WHERE DO YOU COME FROM!?”

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Artistically Constipated

Inspiration is the only laxative

I like to think I’m pretty creative. But that’s on my own terms, like at 2 in the morning when it’s just me, some music, and Sharpies.

But when someone just throws down a blank piece of paper in front of me and says ‘decorate’ I’m about as creative as a box of rocks.

I encountered a scenario similar to that a few days ago and I stared at a canvas that was mine, free to decorate however I wished, and I couldn’t think of anything, for nearly an hour. It took a while, but eventually I admitted I was artistically constipated.

I needed an inspiration laxative to complete the project, which believe me, is difficult to find.

I have yet to become un-constipated and the canvas is still blank. I’m hoping I’ll have an epiphany and go crazy with some sharpies or something. If I think of anything, I’ll post it, or if you guys have any ideas or tips, let me know!!

-sigh- I've got like no humor right now. Sorry guys :/ not been the best day.
I love how everyone seems so shocked that it’s hot. I know, you know, we all know: it’s hot outside. It’s humid. It’ll probably be hot tomorrow. Most likely the next day, even. But everyday, on Facebook, I’ll see probably 3 statuses that all remark how flipping hot it is. It’s nothing new. It’s like this every summer. Then, when winter comes around, everyone will complain how it’s too cold. Like summer’s humidity, winter’s cold is nothing new, either. Yet everyone acts so surprised.

There is just no pleasing some people.

I know I’ve done my fair share of complaining, but I’m trying not to anymore, and just learning to tolerate it. I’ve lived in the same state for 15+ years, so I’ve obviously survived the humidity and snow drifts before. I’m guessing I’ll be able to survive this summer.
Few things I’ve learned the hard way about summer:
1. Bugs bite. Bites itch. If you scratch them, they get worse. Bug spray stings 30x more after you’ve been bitten than before. To avoid looking like a crazy drug addict in withdrawal, just put on the smelly bug spray.

2. The sun will burn you. The burn, like any, will hurt. Unlike my other burns though, I’ve gotten this burn without touching anything. Peeling skin is never attractive. Plus, you never want to be compared to this guy.

3. If you don’t hydrate, you get dehydrated. That is one of the worst things I can think of enduring when it’s fricken hot out and you just want to throw up. Makes you feel like you’re dying. If you’re thirsty, you’re already on the way to being dehydrated. Drink water even if you’re not thirsty.

**later note---be careful what you drink. Sugary drinks like pop are worthless, juices are iffy, and coffee and tea may taste great, but careful on how much you drink. I had like +65 ounces of tea *yesterday*. I have yet to yawn and it's nearly 5 in the morning. Drink water, it's best**
4. Summers don’t last forever. It’s just like an extended weekend. Eventually, Monday will come, and so will reality. Enjoy today, because tomorrow is just another day closer to Monday.

One thing that makes me laugh (bitterly) is when the people who have air conditioning and a heater that never breaks down complain more than I do.


So my dad just told me about this website, which at first when he mentioned that it was about college I immediately sighed and dropped my phone by my side, telling myself I’d check it later.
So later rolls around and I’m actually reading an article about College Conspiracies. It doesn’t discuss how many people drop out of college from partying too much or how many students have mental breakdowns, but how, right now, due to the economy, a college decree isn’t so special and just hints that you’re in debt. Big time.

I’m debating now, if I just want to say ‘screw you’ to college (not forever!!) until next year, for the fall 2012 semester (plus if the whole end-of-the-world thing is true, I’ll at least have spent some time being wild and not stressed from more schooling).

It’s just a thought, just an option. Nothing’s for sure.

I think a bug bit me through my jeans on my butt. I thought you should all know that, you know, just in case you were wondering :)

Mehh I should probably be going to bed soon. My mind is still going crazy from lots of thoughts, it’ll be a workout to get it to calm down and just settle so I can sleep.

So, since I always post a video, I first considered posting with Nyan cat in it. Then I remembered some video with a guy holding a giant cardboard poptart in a gym and a rainbow banner behind him. But then I remembered….the Nyan cat drives me insane. SOOOO I thought I’d save everyone’s insanity and probably the fate of the world and put a different video up instead. One that involves a leprechaun flute.

P.S.  “I don’t wear shorts because of Richard Simmons."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweatin’ Balls

That’s what my sister would say right now. And this one lives in Arizona. Where it’s hot.

Ok, trying something new here, guys: I’m blogging….while lying on my belly.

Yes, this is a big deal to me. I never ever lie on my belly because then I’ll have arm constrictions or I can’t breathe plus I don’t know what to do with my legs…is it just me or could that be taken the wrong way?

Ok leaving the gutter and now back to what I wanted to post about in the first place:


If that’s a movie or television show or book series, let it be known: I’m NOT talking bout that.
Ok first, rolling OFF my belling, can’t breathe and my hnds re losing coircultion and I cnt tupe and my viens re popping out like cryzy

Ok better now.
Felt like this

So, Inbetweeners: I like to think of it as a stage in life.

My few personal close friends and I who have now all reached 18 have all hit the “Sick of parents, ready to move out but not quite” phase.
If you’ve been a teenager, I’m sure most can identify with the ‘sick of parents’ part. But the ‘ready to move out’ and ‘but not quite’ parts I think are more inimitable. Love that word.
Some of my friends have bee fortunate enough to have a sibling to stay with and can say they’ve ‘left home’. Others live with their parents, but are practically the adult in the situation. Or it’s more like they’re roommates just not paying rent because they and their parents don’t seem like family anymore. Each case is unique, but to all Inbetweeners, we seem to be missing one key thing that holds us back from leaving the nest; that’s what unites us. What sets us apart is the key thing itself, each thing being as different as the person it holds back, whether it be the intelligence to live on our own or the financial support.
So until we move out and leave the phase, we are the Inbetweeners: between two stages of life.

MMM bored. Yes, I realize I’m blogging earlier than I predicted but I’ve got my reasons. I’d preferably be asleep but that doesn’t work too well for me. I can’t fall asleep on my own and 1 sleeping pill doesn’t do squat for me. However, 2 pills makes me sick. Which I found out the hard way. This morning. Well it was more of a reminder cause it wasn’t the first time and probably won’t be the last. I never learn :P

Oh! Random here: I watched a video on tongue-splitting. Holy crap. Blood. Not a phobia of mine but I could hear the cut and it was just….yehhh (shudder). For some reason I could recall the slight pain I received from getting my piercings. It wasn’t really noticeable, honestly! But the 1/4th of a second when a needle is jammed through the skin…it’s incomparable. But seeing that video made the little pain just prolong itself in my mind and ugh I’m surprised I can remember the feeling so clearly. But then I remembered I LOVE my piercings and contemplated if I’d get another one. I know I wont for a few months, I’m rather impulsive right now.

Like dangerously. For example: I saw a picture (ONE PICTURE) of someone with dreadlocks. Poof! I remembered how I wouldn’t mind having dreads. But then I had to remind myself the upkeep and how I’d have to go back to being blonde and the dust…

Then I saw a video of some guy giving a hedgehog a bath. Poof! I remembered I wanted, really wanted, a hedgehog. Then I had to remind myself I don’t need to spend the money I have on that cause I need to save for the future and keep some money for when unexpected things pop up and blah blah.
So I should be careful right now.

For the record, I just happened to look up hedgehogs on Youtube, which showed a video of a guy holding a hedgehog with tatoos so OF COURSE I clicked on it which led me to the guy giving the hedgehog a bath who had a video of his tongue splitting so that’s how I hopped on that train. I’m a web creeper like that.
For another record, if I got a hedgehog, I am NOT naming it Sonic. Ever. No no no. Ugh if you only knew how many times I’ve been told that…
To let you know, I freak out about how cute hedgehogs are much like how most react to seeing a baby. You got the awwww’s and the high pitched voices, the funny faces that make you look retarded, you name it.

Well I’m finally beginning to yawn so hopefully I’ll go to bed soon. Till next time, here’s a video that involves boys, Poops, and ice.

P.S. “Do you think James Bond ever wanted to snap his fingers and say “Don’t you know who I am?””

I Made out with a Mango

Okay not really :D
But I imagine it LOOKED like I did…

There are two ways I eat mangoes: 1. the polite way (cutting of pieces) 2. the rabid way (eating it the same way one would eat an apple).
When I eat a mango the rabid way, it either looks like I’m a rabid animal (hence the title) or am making out with it.
Have you made out with a fruit lately?

OK, so I owe everyone about 29 apologies. I know, I know, I said I’d repost something by July 9th. It’s clearly past that. It’s just been a little difficult getting adjusted back to home life, and therefore my blogging life as well.

Plus, I’m writing again (yes!! Writing!! :D) and I haven’t really written anything in story form since November and I kind of lost the sense of writing. So when I started my first chapter, it took a long time to find inspiration and to get on the right track. Not to mention the research some of my chapters require! The chapter I just completed required me looking up jobs in a slaughterhouse! Can you imagine how fun that was for a vegetarian? Yeah no.
But since I’m getting back into writing and time management with that, I’ll hopefully be able to return to daily blogging as well. But I’m going to take it slow and just post when I can to begin with. Sounds good!

Ok lets see what news have I got….? Not much?
I’ve really fallen in love with Death Cab for Cutie. My sister told me bout one of their songs and I found one from there and snowballed into a love for the band.
My dad and I have come to terms with my mother having an obsession with mowing the lawn. We have around 2.6 acres of land of our 4 acre property that’s grass that needs to be mowed. It rains a lot here so the grass grows fast and thick. So essentially the lawn should be mowed a lot. But Jeeze my mom just jumps on the mower every chance she can! My dad and I secretly believe the lawn mower is a Decepticon :P
Speaking of which (nerd time here) I saw Transformers 3 and thought it was great! It was nearly 3 hours though and you could feel the time tick by. Not the best movie to go to if you decide to go on impulse and have little idea of what you’re in for. And, I MUST mention, Megatron gets to wear a cape now!?! Next time I get a cut or burn on my face I’ll just wear a cape with a hood up to hide it. No one will think it’s creepy, right?

Well I should probably go sort the nearly 400 pictures I saved yesterday (took FOREVER) for my story and revise my chapter. 
Here's a few pics I found!

Did I use the word 'few'....heres 'few' more

I jsut thought the piggy was cute!!!
 I’ll try to post tomorrow or the day after that, k?
Till then, enjoy a video I just can’t get enough of. It’s going crazy everywhere but since I’m a Lord of the Rings fan, I just adore this.
My favorite part is at 0:18 when Gandalf is just “Oh god, here we go…”
The video is made by PistolShrimps. Seriously funny.

The original video is of some Russian guy walking around barely moving his mouth and singing lower and higher than I can. Wow, right?

OK off to do something productive!!
P.S. “I’m just looking for a ginger that has crazy sex hair by default, that’s all.”