Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Would It eat bacon?

Well today has been interesting. I woke up and Cider was right by me, still sleeping. So I cuddled with her and fell asleep again. When I woke up, she had somehow turned my hair into a nest and was sleeping in it. Don’t know how that happened.

I FINISHED my essay. Even though I’m still spazzing I’m trying to get over it. So I distracted myself by deleting a bunch of crap from my computer, but only 100MB worth. I’ll delete more later or just delete 100MB every day.

Meh my hair smells weird. I think I’ll switch shampoos.

I counted it up, and I’m following…12 blogs. Wow! I like reading about others’ days and thoughts without it turning into a gigantic biography.

I’ve still got to buy a bus ticket, fill out an app, and finish my thank-you notes. I should probably do some housework and clean my room. And wrap my godson’s gifts.

But all I feel like doing is something with art. Not sure what yet. And if I’m doing something with art, I’ll need music. I’m listening to Streetlight Manifesto right now to try to get my spirits up lol. Last night there were some pretty bad storms and I was running around outside listening to music while putting vehicles away and scanning the sky for tornadoes. Then it rained and I ran around in that for a while. For some reason this song played and made the situation a bit more fun, even though the weather channel said I should be in the basement under shelter and away from windows. I mean come on, what fun is a tornado warning if you’re stuck in the basement?

I want to work on a writing idea, but the essay made my mind flash the Blue Screen of Death and needs a break. I’ll be able to write tomorrow night though. I write better when everything’s still and silent.

I seem to sleep better when things are like that, too. Like in my bedroom, the airflow is very poor but my room feels like a crypt undisturbed for 39 ½ years, and I like it that way. Everything needs to be still. Which means I hardly ever have my window open, but then again I never open my blinds. I hate bright sunlight. I’ve been requesting black curtains for a while but I probably just need to go buy them. Yes, I like poor lighting in my room as well. I don’t have a light in my room hanging from the ceiling, which I love. I have a 1 lightbulb lamp, which gives me just enough light to see buy. Bad for my eyesight? Probably.

My mom thinks the dead air in my room contributes to my allergies, but I disagree. I never sneeze in there and I can usually breathe fine, cept at night. My sinuses block up and I sound sick, but it’s like that everywhere I go. My mom refuses to believe my allergies are outdoor related but I know they are. When she opens the windows when it’s windy outside, I’m sneezing all the time. It’s annoying. If it’s not windy, I can be outside, fine. Just the breeze that carries dust and dirt and pollen from god knows what bothers me. I used to have horrible asthma (from the same problems) but it’s gone down. My allergies are also horrible in the fall and the first bit of spring. It’s horrible. Everyone tells me “You need to get outside and get some fresh air!” but that’s why I’m sneezing in the first place. Idiots.

Wow enough ranting.

Ok um I just saw this commercial on TV. And it showed some uncooked bacon and said it was my skin. Then it showed frying bacon and was like “This is your skin in the sun when it BURNS” and then it ranted on and all I see is bacon. Then I look at my skin and think ‘bacon’. Wow yeah grossed me out a bit. My first thought? “Not eating bacon for a while.”

I love how I forget I’m a vegetarian. I’m just so accustomed to not eating meat (nearly 1 year!!!) that I don’t even think about it. I know what I can/can’t or will/wont eat, and even though I know I won’t eat bacon for a long time, I’m still thinking “Not eating bacon for a while.” Without considering my vegetarianism. Does this make sense? Or is it more just vegetarian humor?

I love, though, that the commercial was one of those commercials to stop people from doing something (i.e. smoking, chewing, drinking, etc.) and just like the rest of those commercials, I come away with some thought totally irrelevant to the point they were trying to get across.
Like the chewing tobacco commercial. They’re trying to say “If you’re addicted to something, the company OWNS you” and showed these cowboy actors saying “I’m a rebel” and “I call the shots’. What do I think of the commercial? “Do cowboys really touch their hats that often?”

There’s also this commercial with some girls at a club and one pulls out this tin or can and every girl asks “What’s in the can (or tin)?” and some girl replies with some cause of smoking “Lung disease” “Mouth cancer” and pictures are shown of mouths with whatever’s mentioned. The commcercial ends with one more “What’s in the can (or tin)?” and there’s one super cheezy  “Don’t ask”. The commercial people were of course trying another round of scare tactics to stop kids from smoking. What do I think of it? “EW I was eating!”

Of course, what I really remember of both commercials: “Ugh, horrible acting”
 If they really want to scare people out of smoking, just make a giant box of cigarettes and have unsuspecting people open the box and then have IT jump out!
One of two things will happen:
1.      People will be scared out of smoking
2.      Someone’s gonna crap their pants

For some reason when I went to look for 'It' pictures...Michael Jackson came up. So did Britany Spears. Hmm.

Just some thoughts of the day. I’m off to try to hopefully do something productive. Or just finish off the rest of the ice cream in the freezer.

P.S. “It takes me exactly 3 hours and 17 minutes to dig a grave. Trust me, I’ve timed it 5 times. It only takes me ten to fill it though. You know, less space to fill.”

H is for...

H is for hell
                        This essay has kicked my arse long enough and I need to be done with it. It’s causing me too much stress and I hate the idea that this one thing is wreaking havoc on my life.
H is for Humidity
                        Holy Hell it’s so humid it feels too hot to exist. I hate humidity because
1.      No one’s hair seems to like humidity.
2.      My skin goes beserk. Causes me lots of pain.
3.      It’s just asking for bad weather. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE storms and rain. But when talk of tornadoes pops up, everyone flips.
H is for Help
                        Since there was talk of tornadoes, I had to have the news on. Normally I ignore the news because I practically choose to live under a rock. However, today I had to watch it. Stories of the destruction in Joplin, Missouri kind of stuck with me, and I’ve decided that if I am denied acceptance into the college of my choice, and I cannot Internship with a Tatoo/Piercing Parlor, then I’ll go to Joplin and volunteer to help clean up. I might as well do something useful and I’m sure they can still use help. Besides, I like helping pepople like that.

H is for Hurt
                        Which is what my stomach was doing today. Why? Bad tofu. Learned my lesson.
H is for Huh?
            Shania Twain’s ex husband was cheating on her with Shania’s close friend. So NOW Shania is with her close friend’s ex boyfriend….so basically Shania is dating her exhusband’s girlfriend’s exboyfriend…?

H is NOT for Mumford and Sons.
                        I’ve been listening to them all day and I love them J Makes me want to play the banjo, too!
Here’s one of my favorites of theirs, and unfortunely well known in the mainstream.

I also found this picture….it’s just so cute to me! Is that weird?

One more!
H is for….HOLY CRAP!! It’s bananas, in freaking pajamas!

Lol I loved this show as a kid, apparently. It’s what my mom tells me and she remembers weird things like this. Yet she can’t remember to not turn on the light to wake me up with. Guarantees a crabby morning.

Anyways, I’m off to…I don’t know. Eat some late-night food probably. Took a lot of energy to watch the news :P

Tomorrow, I’ve got a list of things to do.
  i.             Call my high school for my transcripts
ii.       Submit my final draft of my essay
iii.  Finish thank-you notes
iv.       Fill out an application
v.            Buy a bus ticket.

Wish me luck. Hopefully the weather won’t be humid tomorrow, and hopefully my allergies won’t be going psycho either. I hate sneezing.

P.S. “You know, I would prefer an awkward silence.”

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fingers are falling Off

Sorry, lol, excuse the title. I went shopping with my mom today (she was worried I was getting depressed and had cabin fever) and just as we walked into one store, a woman passing a mannequin (those are creepy) knocked the arm off. She tried putting the arm back on without drawing any more attention to herself, but a store employee asked politely,
“Ohh, did the finger fall off again?”

Since I had barely noticed anything, the first thing I heard when I walked into the store was a voice inquiring if the finger fell off again. It was kind of funny :)

I wish someone wrote a book on just the random things overheard like that.

In the parking lot of the store we were at, there was a bunch of broken glass and…bananas. Seriously. There were  couple old ones and some still yellow. Two were by our car so I took a picture. Luckily for me, my mom’s used to my odd picture-taking moments.

Now with college beginning in a few months, money’s tight for me. However, (before he left) my dad gave me some money “to buy a phone that’s from this century”. I decided to spend that money, instead on some baby gifts for my soon-to-be godson. I love my dinosaur phone and can stand it for a while yet.

Story of why I have a dinosaur phone:
I decided to load the dishwasher for the first time in 3 weeks. It’s normally my chore, but with the musical I student-directed, I barely had time to eat, let alone be home long enough to do anything but sleep. So…I got a text. I opened my nice little red phone that’s only 2 years old and suddenly, BLOOP! Down into the water it went. Just like the Titanic. Instead of the freezing ocean though, my phone went into a bowl full of dirty water and over-soaked cereal. So my mom’s friend gave me an old phone of hers.

Anyways, I bought him some Sleep ‘n Plays (with turtles on them!!), a little pair of shoes (with little lions on them and a wrist-rattle!), 5 receiving blankets, and a thick fuzzy blanket (with a monkey on it :3 ) it’s so soft I’m tempted to buy one for myself :P But it’s kind of weird going shopping for a baby. It’s not easy shopping for someone who isn’t even born yet! I’m glad my mom was there to help me though. She knows her stuff bout babies :P Oh yeah---this old lady in the Baby department just gave me this weird glare as if to say
 "Ugh, this generation sickens me. They wear weird clothes and think they can peirce their skin and wear weird makeup. Then they go and buy clothes for their friends who are having kids and aren't even 18 yet. (Dramatic soap opera-worthy sigh) When do they plan to grow up?"
I love that look! =D
For the record, my godson-to-be's mom is 23. Ha old lady. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Cider likes it when I go shopping. She, um, appreciates it, when I leave my shopping bags on the floor.

My godson-to-be is due the 12th of June, so I’m taking a bus to his parent’s house, my friends, next week. 6 hours with strangers. I hope to either take some interesting pictures or make a new friend ^^ even if they’re only a single serving.

I haven’t submitted my essay yet. I’m debating between it and a narrative I wrote a few months ago for my Composition class. It received 100% and I was very proud of it (before I got the grade). SO I’ve got some thinking to do. Regardless of which I choose, I have to revise it before submitting it. I asked my writing teacher for help (she offered) on which one but she never replied to my text, which I’ve understood to be her saying “This is your best, in your opinion, I can’t decide this for you”. Which she’s right but I still want her opinion…I’ll still ask a few people, like my best friend ^^  She likes writing and I trust her opinion.

Today my brother bought a racecar. Don’t get excited, now, it’s…well, here:

He was zooming around our driveway with it, both of us laughing like mad when the motor died or he hit a pothole and the car got a little air. Suddenly, him and I are kids again. Him 11 and excited about his new toy, me happy for him and as curious as any 6 year old would be with a tiny car. I miss those days.

I found a new blog by a happy accident and the writer loves the band Bright Eyes. I looked the band up and found a super cute song. One of those songs that makes me believe in silly things.

Well I'm off to write. I need to finish this essay thing and hopefully move on to writing a story I've been thinking about for months. Now that I' ve got a week of free-time, might as well write!

Till tomorrow :)

P.S. "I'd sell my soul for 3 unicorns and a poptart"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

No worries!

Sorry I have only posted a fraction of what I normally do. Take my absence as me working on my essay. It's kicking my butt. I'll post some tonight!!! Like...midnightish :P

Don't forget to check out Solo Parade, I post little bits there every once in a while.

Nevermind...I'm sorry, I'm tired.

I'll post tomorrow. Promise.

Friday, May 27, 2011

We find our own Freedoms

It is amazingly easy these days to feel trapped and caught up in things that don’t matter. Sometimes it’s a case of where we practically lock our own doors from the outside. Fortunately, freedom doesn’t take much. For me, it was called the ‘deactivate’ button to my Facebook account.
Now I’ve got nothing against Facebook! I’m just tired of reading about people’s whining, seeing pictures of people I’d rather forget, and pictures of me that I don’t want up there. I’m not a paranoid teenager afraid my mom or boss will find pictures of me and a bong or me drunk at a party. I just don’t like any pictures of me up there. If I wanted a stupid picture of me when I was still blonde and in my ‘awkward’ phase, up on the web for everyone to see, I’d put one up there.

So, since I just wanted to rid myself of the nagging urge to update a status almost no one will read, photographic memories of graduation, and creepy stalkers, I simply deleted my account. The feeling of freedom I achieved was amazing, plus I had some redemption music playing :D

Plus I feel cooler without it.

Besides, if people need to reach me, they can do this revolutionary thing called ‘texting’. Or they can go back in technology a little and just email me. Plus, I have, technically, 3 other blogs (different blogs for different reasons!) so they can read about my life or email me through one of those.

I’m sure in a few months, I’ll make a new account so my college classmates can add me. Till then, I’ll enjoy the quiet. I’m not the biggest ‘people person’ anyways. I prefer to keep my real friends close.

Haha the whole situation reminds me of this:

 Well. Short post today. I'm off to -seriously- work on that essay I've been harpin' about. I'll blog more either later or tomorrow!

Till then, I hope you found this video of Nicholas Cage freaking out as much as I did!
My favorite part is when he runs through the street screaming "I'M A VAMPIRE!" I do that too.
P.S. "Do you think if they DID feed the doves glitter, their poop would be prettier?"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Did I just see some tongue?

I'm sure the title caught your attention :)
Just watch this, you'll understand.

I was bored :P
I'm up, filling out college things and working on an essay and I'm not tired. So I can't think of what to write, because I know for a fact that the best stuff I write comes from being tired.

So I went to sleep after posting that.
Woke up round 11. I'm feeling a little better, but I'm still sick. I'm so cold. That's just wrong...what is it, 70 degrees today, and I'm freezing!? It's just wrong.

Decided to check on things, post a little before focusing on my essay. Oh! I submitted another college application today....yesterday? Not sure...but man was that scary! I checked over it 3 times before sending...I'm working on the ess_y still. The college I sent it to is the one I want to go to most...but I'm in the rut of "I'm not smart enough"
Ugh I despise grading systems.
I just deleted 3 paragraphs worth of rants on how much I despise grading systems. Figured you guys wouldn't want to read that. Doesn't help that I've got 'writing music' playing.

My favorite part begins at 5:15 till the end.

When I woke up this morning, I realized I wish my weeks had some type of food schedule. Is that weird? I mean how cool would it be to wake up, know it's Thursday, and be all "YES, it is Thursday, and I WILL have Jello today!" Then I'd jump out of bed and gallop down to the kitchen on a horse. The moment would be grand.

Funny thing is, I hate riding horses...But they'd make the moment.

I think the only thing that could make the moment better was if I was wearing a cape.

I'm sure if someone who didn't know me read that or pictured it in their mind, I'm sure they'd just imagine some child jumping out of bed with a towel tied around their neck hopping on a stick horse and galloping around screaming something about Jello, guessing it was a normal child on a Saturday morning. It wouldn't surprise me if they pictured an adult instead and wondered if they should call a mental hospital.

Okay, now to admit something...
I'm a Gleek.
WOW I feel better now.
Now that you know that, know that Kurt is my favorite :D Him and Blaine are so cute!!!

SPOILERS IN BLUE!!! (sorry red hurts my eyes)
The Glee Season 2 ended on May 24th and I missed it.
So I watched it online!

Sam is priceless.
(Puck) “We’re in New York the city of love”
(Sam, through mouthful of chips) “I thought that was Paris”

(Kurt) “Bring him (Finn) along, he’ll be useful if we ever need to move anything heavy.”

(Finn) “What are you doing?”
(Rachel) “Making something right”

Ugh I loved Rachel and Kurt singing Wicked's 'For Good'. By the way, I'm singing that, right now, very loudly. I have headphones in, but no one's home, thankfully. That'd be embarassing. I'm horrible at singing. Yes, I'm serious. But I love singing so much!! I do it all the time! Just...when no one's home :) But it doesn't matter to me if people don't like my singing. I have stagefright so there's no chance of me making it anywhere. Besides, my cat loves my singing. She told me so ^^ That's all that matters!
 Luckily for me my neighbors are old people, sort of. But I don't think they can hear me cause we've never gotten police telling me to stop. But if anyone went past my house and thought they heard a duck being strangled to death, it's me, a capella :) MMM I just love this song. Here it is!

I'm singing the alto part with Kurt....but since I have no soprano to sing Rachel's part, I do that too.
The recipe for New York episode:
Mix 2 hotel rooms, Tiffany’s, a nice security guard, 1 Wicked stage, 1 eyebrow pencil, 1 haircut, 1 large group hug, wayyyy too many matching outfits, some synchronized crowd-clapping, one AMAZING “I love you”, a little bit of secret hand holding, and a whole lot of dreams. Add a voodoo doll for some flavoring.

I won’t say too much about the episode, but I will say I liked it. It wasn’t what I expected either, but I still think it went well. I read some online reviews, and some pointed out that watchers weren’t left with “that warm fuzzy feeling one usually experiences at the end of a season finale”. I guess that is true, because part of the episode is a let-down. However, I believe we should follow Kurt’s example, and focus on the little things that make an experience great, which I think New Directions does.
I guess part of me just loves how the episode captured the experience with hype and disappointment that comes with competing in the arts. I’ve been in theatre all through high school, and I have been on both sides in 1-act regions (on 2 occasions, state), winning and losing. No matter which, when you come away with your team, its best to focus on the overall experience instead of one award that either was or wasn’t received.

Ok, I have to stop talking about theatre. I could blog for days, nonstop, about my love for it. Really. Mmm I love theatre.
By the way, that is the ONLY way I will ever spell that, the Old English way. The ‘r’ comes before, not after, the ‘e’.

Let’s see….Well I think I’ll be done for today. I’ll keep singing ‘For Good’ (I now want to watch Wicked, more than ever…OMG how awesome would it be to be a part of that on Broadway!?!? Ok, done).

I guess more tomorrow? Or 2am? I guess we’ll see J
Oh yeah, how is the essay going? Yeah…I got the title down. I should work on that.

P.S. “Nothing gold can stay.”


If that title isn't blog-roadkill, I don't know what is.
I think I'm addicted to blogging. 3rd or 4th post in 24 hours. Obviously, I need to get a life.

This is _ work in progress. My _ key doesnt work. _nd I c_nt post _nything with _n  _ now either by using my right key _nd copy, then p_sting _n _  in the text. For some re_son, it's not working like it h_s before. So...for this post, till I'm done, m_y include either @ symbols for _'s or _ for _'s. If you didn't w_tch Hooked-on-Phonics when you were 5 _nd you h_ven't figured out wh_t letter it is, it's the first letter of the _lph_bet, _nd the first vowel. If you still h_ven't figured it out, I suggest you go  b_ck to kinderg_rten, there still m_y be hope for you yet.

Okay. Since I’m getting tired of having blank spots in my words, I’m typing this up in Word, then copying over into my blog. More work, but not really. I’m just that lazy.

Anyways, my title: Infomercials.
It’s nearly 4 in the morning (as I type this…I just realized my blog clock is 2 hours different than my clock. So it’ll probably say I’m posting this closer to 2 in the morning instead and it is long past that, I assure you.)

What’s on television at 4 in the morning? Infomercials. How do I know this? I’m somewhat a night owl, somewhat an insomniac. Doesn’t take much for me to stay up, watching re-runs of shows, looking like a zombie. Occasionally Billy Mays would pop on TV and start talking. His yelling voice is bound to wake anyone up.

 If you are a normal person who sleeps at night and doesn’t recognize the name of Infomercials, know it’s also called Paid Programming. You know, the commercials that try to sell you crap you don’t need?
The commercials are pointless but they’re smart. The sellers find every sneaky angle. They make the price low (until you see how many payments you’ll have to make of that ‘amazing low price’), they make it fun colors for variety (who doesn’t love options?), and they’ll suggest it for anyone and guarantee that everybody’ll love it! Plus they hit us at the time of day where we’re so tired that any food looks good, everything is funny, and we can’t help but agree with the narrator that we just can’t live without this odd little gadget or giant workout system (that folds up conveniently, of course). The sellers will also have a random celebrity endorse it or demonstrate what it does so you can do it as well! How awesome is that? And let’s not forget that if you call, RIGHT NOW, you’ll get either a second one free, or a free gift! Who doesn’t love free stuff?

Some products, I wont deny, actually DO work. But most don’t.  Here’s some popular ones (I am not confirming nor denying which of these do or don’t work) :

I’m honestly not sure why I decided to blog about Infomercials…I just saw one and thought about it.

---later today---

I sing while vacuuming J no one can hear me!

Promised myself I would get 1/3rd of my thank you notes done today. So I couldn’t blog till I was done. To help me stay focused, I put in across the Universe. Love the Beatles, love singing with this musical, and it’s got Eddie Izzard in it. Whats not to love? So of course I sing my heart out and get almost half my notes done. Go me!

Allergies. Ew. They’ve made me feel like poop and in general, sick, for the past few days. They’ve overstayed their welcome!

Rant!! Ugh I just hate allergies. In the fall, I’ll get them. Every March, I just get sick. It’s only ever allergies, but I’m usually miserable for a full month. You know how horrible that is? Just knowing you’re going to be sick for weeks with little comfort? You just know you’re going to be sick! Wake up, you’re sick. Go to work/school, sick. Come home, sick. It’s horrible to have ‘sick’ be your normal.
----Even later----

I’ve begun to wonder about old people. I like to think they all have a secret language made up. Like “I need more pistachio pudding!” means “Meeting at 4, bring knitting needles”
Or “How long till I get my medicine?” really means “Hot nurse working today!”
Or “I’m off to play bingo!” means “Got some Captain Morgan in my room!”
Maybe “I’m off to take a nap” is hinting there’s a crazy party later and someone doesn’t want to miss anything.
I’m sure old people lead secret lives, though, and put on the ‘old, slow, and fragile’ act on so we’re sweet to them. I can imagine “Come find me when Dr. Oz comes on” really means “I’m off to rob a bank and if I’m not back by 9, then Shmitty got me”. Or even “Going to go get my hair done with Mary” is codename for “Off to play the most epic game of Ninja. Hopefully I don’t forget my invisible Katana this time. Mary’s going to be there, so watch out for her ninja stars!”. Ohh old people. Gotta love them.

Where did I get Shmitty from?

P.S. “No, he smells so bad, he could keep a herd of zombies away”
(In case the P.S. parts of the blogs seem completely random and irrelevant, it’s because they are.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The auction didn't contain items I was interested in purchasing. But I DID get a hoodie from a friend. It's by Enjoi.

However I did have a good time there. Got to hang with a friend who's moving away. We didn't get to talk much, however--the auctioneer was loud and it was really windy. Plus his cousin was being a pain.

I really wish, though, that for every item sold, the auctioneer was like this guy. (2:02-2:05 or 2:34-2:35)

Gotta love Nathan :)

Let's see. I DIDN'T study piercings -or- work on thank-you notes. My mom's under the happy impression that I'm working on them everyday dilligently. I hope to finish them before she figures it out that I'm blogging instead of finishing them. Wow that doesn't even sound right.

Watching Avatar tonight. I watched it last night and blogged through it...So I'm waching it again. This time, I've got a friend (same friend who gave me the hoodie) watching it and luckily for me, he's the type that talks through movies so I'm catching parts of it.

For example: are the avatars born with braids, or does someone go in there and braid the hair? (Warning, I'm going to sound like a nerd) Cause on the trip up there, they're in these tanks that are like giant cylindrical wombs...but the scientists said the avatars mature on the way up there (which is nearly 6 years). So...does someone go in the tanks and braid the hair or is it grown like that or is it braided before...? I know, it doesn't matter, but I'm a movie obsessor and I NEED to know. It'll bother me till I find out. Or forget about it, which would be nice at this point.

OH! I was on Modcloth.com the other day, and saw just the cutest backpack.
I'm tiring of my tote (which I should probably wash)and I've always wanted a cool shoulder bag like this paratrooper:

Just imagine a dirty, beat-up version from the 70's. Maybe a few rebel pins and a patch, perhaps even part of the strap is covered in duct tape.

I love the contradictions. Nice, neat, clean and cute backpack, then I jump to a dirty, beat up bag.

Wow I've posted a lot of nothingness today. 

I think I'm off to -try- to w atch the ending of this movie.

P.S. That dude looks like a modern Jesus...