Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rain, Rain

In my family, it’s a little joke that whenever I come to visit, I always bring the rain.  Well it’s rained here, for the past two days, on and off.
Roads are flooding. It’s cooler out. People move more slowly. Hurricane-y worries.
And it’s all cause of me :)
It’s an inside joke between my father and I that I’m a Star Child and that’s why it rains.
It’s a good thing I like the rain though!

But today, I didn’t so much.
I’ve been dreading some things about coming to Texas and I’ve got good reasons. And I encountered one of those reasons today. Now I wont go into detail, this isn’t the blog for that. But I’ll let slip this:
I was told some things today that are enough to make me, or anyone, really, to regret deciding to be themselves and trying to be happy.
And that was all over breakfast.

On a normal rainy day, I can be found splashing in a puddle or running around in the rain, not worried about ruining my clothes (which can get me in trouble…).
But today, I just wanted to sit in a café, staring out the window in a sweater with a coffee mug between my hands, discussing my problems with a friend.

Oh, if only my life were a fricken soapy opera :P

Speaking of which!!
I watched a soap opera yesterday in Spanish. I don’t know what they were saying, but I made up the dialogue in my mind and it was a great episode, in my opinion :)

Let’s see….
Well, it’s hot here. In rains. I eat too much. I write a good portion of the day (we sit in my grandparent’s restaurant most of the morning and early afternoon so I’m either eating, writing, or talking with my great aunts). Bought some clothes.

Airports were fun. Walked around in my boots so EVERYONE heard me :P got through security without any trouble (related to my piercings).

'My heart is real' Love it. I'll draw it somewhere on me

I'll never look at a coat hanger the same way :)

Well…enough for today?
I’ll try to post more tomorrow! I’ve got lots to post. When I get back from Texas, I’ll get back into the daily posting :)
And, I watched The Human Centipede. It was actually slightly comical! But the two chicks got the shitty end (no pun intended) and in the end, the chick in the middle was screwed.

Until tomorrow?

P.S.  I don’t think they sell snow cones in the cemetery….

Friday, June 24, 2011

I beat the Terminator. I’m back.

Well I have returned.
2 days ago.

Sorry, I haven’t posted a blog entry yet. I’ve been busy thinking and cleaning and, to be honest, procrastinating.
I just can’t write anything.

While I was in the hills, I had such inspiration to write. I mean I could be working on one of four different stories! But I can’t even blog about my day.
I think…I need to let myself come back.
It doesn’t really feel like I’m back at my house. Feels like I’m in limbo because in less than 3 days I’m heading for Texas.
Oh god I just realized I’m leaving the day after tomorrow.

I told myself I wasn’t going to bother unpacking but I just remembered…99% of my clothes are already worn and need to be washed. Oh! My friends’ washer is really weird and shakes violently when finished (insert perverted joke?) so the first time they did laundry while I was there, I thought there was a mini-earthquake because the whole apartment shook. I was afraid the TV was going to fall off the stand! and we’re not talking an unstable flatscreen, we’re talking those early 2000’s televisions that were the ‘big screen’ but had a back that stuck out 2 feet. Heavy object!

Yeah, I’m just going to rant today. Might as well get something down rather than nothing.

I got some new piercings!!

They were originally 40$ each (I got one on each ear), but I know the piercer so he took $20 off so my final purchase was only 60$ (which included the jewelry PLUS a free new silver hoop for my lip! SCORE!). Yay! My mom’s not the –biggest- fan of them though. She told me I couldn’t get another facial tattoo (lip, nose, tongue, or eyebrow) and I can’t recall if she mentioned the navel…irrelevant, though. She just wanted something discreet that wouldn’t further jeopardize my opportunity to get a job because of my lip piercing. With ear piercings, a girl with long hair can hide them. So, I found my loophole. I told my dad (who I KNEW would tell my mom…snitch) subliminally that I got my ears pierced. Him and my mom both assumed it was a second bottom lobe piercing. Harmless. What my mom found out when I got off the bus is that I got one of the two more noticeable ear piercings: the industrial (I think gauging is more for guys).
Gotta love loopholes J
My only concern is airport security. The metal detectors –might- pick up the piercings, but they might now. If they do, I’ll have to be wanded in order to be allowed to pass through. I can’t take my industrials out because healing time is 3 months (3-4 washings a day….twice the time and washing required for my lip piercing) so I’m hoping security is in a good mood. My flight IS early in the morning (7:15…one of the first flights of the day) so the airport might not be too busy (if I get there early enough) so hopefully I wont cause too much of a commotion.

Oh! Why I got a free hoop for my lip:
I made the piercer laugh in spite of himself.
“I shouldn’t laugh cause that’s gotta be painful, but…it’s just funny!”
about what?
My lip ring I wear normally have the spiked ends like so:
One of them fell off and I didn’t know till after I finished my meal that night. I looked everywhere but I gave in and accepted I probably ate it. My friend gives me a little earring to fill in the little hole until tomorrow when we go to my piercer’s place. It looked like:

Not too long later, the earring was gone. We guessed I ate the metal back and the plastic back.
So my friend, trying to think outside of the box, gives me a curvy earring similar to this:
It was curvy so it would be difficult to lose….right?
Nope. Ate that one too.

Eventually I ended up putting a safetly pin in (which I had in while I slept) and my friend threatened to put me on TLC’s ‘weird food addiction’s show as ‘earring eater’.

We explained the story to my piercer (and the secretary, owner (also tatooer #1), his wife (tatooer #2), and 2 customers . We didn’t go around telling EVERYONE…it’s a small shop and they all kind of couldn’t help but listen in. So everyone there got to hear what happened, and most of them made a comment on how the next time I poop, it’ll hurt like…yeah. My stomach is just perforated and sore J So, for the funny story, I was given a free hoop (either out of sympathy or fear I’d eat another earring).

Now, I could explain my trip to the hills, but I’ll do that over time in random bursts of memory. And I took….like 50 pictures (okay closer to 112) with my phone so I’ll randomly post those up here too rather than all at once.

Anyways, since I’ve been back, I’ve…cleaned. Yesterday I vacuumed the entire house (cept my room, which probably needed it the most…there’s still shreds of paper in it :D) and today I cleaned the bathrooms, both days tidying up the kitchen and feeding the animals (daily chore). Tomorrow I’ll probably wash the windows or sweep the kitchen floor.
I’ve also just eaten food and stared at my computer screen. That’s bout it. Woo.
I have like 4 stories I could be working on but I don’t even have a notebook or a Word Document open. Pathetic. <sigh>

Well this is all I’ve got today. More tomorrow. I’m taking my mom to the doctor, doing laundry, packing. Dye hair. Clean piercings. Ink in another Sharpie Tattoo.  Fill out college apps. How fun. Saturday will consist of mostly the same things. Hooray.
Till then, enjoy the new song I’m dancing around to!

P.S. “The dog just pooped on your carpet? Oh…I thought you were making potato salad.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It Burns but it Feels so Good

Actually, it doesn’t.
Sharpie + my skin disorder =  Owwww

Wait, what were you thinking I was talking bout? O_o

Anyways, this is possibly my last blog in a while. If I don’t post anything here, well, obviously I’m unable to get internet.

BUT, I will not stay silent. As I’ve said before, check out Solo Parade. I’ve even put a little link somewhere on the right side of this blog…if you’re completely blind, it says

Follow me to Solo Parade!

Well I have to get up in 5 hours (its 3 ish here), I’m almost completely packed, and I’ve almost finished addressing those blasted thank-you notes! Woot!

What’s sad is there were people who sent me money…and I didn’t know who they were!

I’ve considered pulling an all-nighter. I love those…well, if they’re spent wisely. If they’re spent accomplishing something, I always like seeing the human potential, determination, and sometimes dedication at it’s fines.
If they’re spent with friends, then that’s great! Oh the memories…

If they’re spent with people you thought were your friends and you spend the greater portion of the all-nighter wishing you were asleep but since you aren’t you spend hours listening to music and watching the neighbor’s tv they left on, and the all-nighter is a complete waste?

Yeah I don’t really like those.

But I need rest. Or I’ll kill who ever sits next to me on the bus. Which would be bad. Plus, sleeping in a house with a newborn may guarantee little sleep.

Well I’m off to sleep in a house that’s so freakin humid it’s like Texas on a good day! Which, to me, who prefers cold (I think…), is torture.
SO, since I don’t want anyone to miss out on torture, I found this lovely video!


P.S. I just wrote a thank you note to people who think I sacrifice their cats on full moons.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Starch is So…Starchy

Is it not? Sorry, my friend was watching a show of people that had weird food addictions…like starch.

OK! SORRY, sorry, I meant to post this last night, (4 a.m.) but my computer was being stupid  and my room was really hot. Now I've got 6 or so hours of stuff to do but, I am posting this first! I just like blogging more than pleasing some people and playing by the rules.

What’s sad…is that I’ve done little today. So I’ve got little to say :/ Sorry guys. I should be posting something wonderful and worth reading since I don’t think I’ll have internet at my godson’s house, but I don’t have much to say.


Oh wait---YES I DO!

Like I said, I’ve done little today. What I DID was shuffle and draw on myself.
I’m so productive :P

First:  shuffle.
I found this video and…it makes me want to shuffle. I told that to a friend of mine and she laughed cause she knows I don’t like dancing. But when I watch this video…I can imagine all of my friends gathering in a street and shuffling! This song is just so…Shuffle-able!

 Everyday I'm shufflin, shufflin.... 

Second:  drawing on myself.
I was working on my last thank-you notes and I was listening to music (shocker). The pen of choice is a Sharpie Pen. Which writes on skin, too…
Like a 4 year old (I had to do something to make Sophie feel better) I wrote lyrics to start off with. And it was just on my ankles. Well then the pen sort of died…
So I went to look for a new one when I found…my Sharpies.
You can guess where the storie’s going.
I’ll just post the pictures…
The caged bird no longer sings

Hot air balloon in a decorated sky.

Look familiar?

3 legged sheepy!

Fail at a monarch. For the record, it was on my side. Not easy!
My full tummy.
attempt at a zipper drawing. The lighting was difficult and these are all from my dino phone camera
I filled in the extra spaces with blue

I really shouldn’t be left alone with Sharpies…

The good thing is that I’m wearing a black shirt today (another shocker) so the ink doesn’t show on my shirt. Woot! Though oddly, I’d probably be OK with it. I sometimes like ruined clothes.
For example, I love my Converse, so I wear them until they’re held together with Ductape, pins, and little parts are sewn together. Plus if I paint (either personal or for a set for a play), I’m sometimes glad to get paint on me. Show’s I’ve done something, I guess. Show’s I’ve been somewhere, been this way for a while, not just wearing something because everyone else is.

MMM I have to pack tomorrow. Woo.
And, print off my ticket. I keep asking my mom if I can unplug the phone but she never replies…not helping. Soo if she doesn’t give me an answer tomorrow, I’m just going to have to unplug it and print my ticket or I’ll be pissed cause I’ll have to buy another ticket…which will be close to 80-90 dollars I don’t want to spend. Mleh.

I want a hot pocket right now…Thanks, Jim Gafigan >.>

Wow for not doing anything today, I posted a good bit.

Length wise; quality’s questionable :)

For the record, Sharpies + skin when it's hot = don't mix well.
HOWEVER, my drawings all still look good after sleeping on them. WOO!

“Oh dear lord…they made a part one!? That means there’s going to be a part two!! Who the hell do they think they are, Harry Potter?!”

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Heffalumps and Hedgehogs

I found a post earlier today and was inspired. Not geniuinely inspired, mind, but generically inspired to where everyone just copies it and re-posts it. The only cool thing about mine is I INCLUDE PICTURES! Ha!
“If I..”

1. If I had a hamster, I’d name him…

2. If I could write a song, it’d be about
How much I miss the panini I had in March.

3. If I died and became a ghost, I’d
Haunt Nick Zinner’s hair.

4. If I was sent to prison, I’d
Ask for the striped suit. Orange isn’t really my color.

6. If I could buy anything right now, it’d be
An ugly sweater. Size doesn’t matter. "Ugly sweaters are like snowflakes."

7. If I wore glasses, it’d be for
taking them off dramatically

8. If I could have any pet, it’d be a

9. If I regretted anything in life, it’d be
not trying a fried Twinkie

10. Give us a childhood memory
When I was 4 years old, the Heffalumps and Woozles from Winnie the Pooh scared the crap out of me.
They still do.
Specially these's their noses O.O

It’s 2 in the morning. Hooray. Wrapped presents today. Filled out 1 of the 4 apps. Washed my hair for those who were curious. I’ve never used this shapmoo (on purpose mistake) before so I’m like “What’s that smell?….Oh, it’s me!”
Tried to set up the printer. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Someone stepped on my 4-year-old heart today. Sophie’s not taking this well.
Someone finally told me to grow up.
I’ve already decided not to.

My family problems have gotten so preposterous, I’m pretending like they don’t even exist.

Today was not a fun one. All I want is a hug, a trip to the zoo, a dinosaur coloring book, and someone to kick my arse back to being who I am.

Well I’m off to try to sleep. Haa that’s a funny song we’ve heard before.

Speaking of those…
 There are some dirty, dirty minds out there

P.S. Occasionally when I get caught up thinking about how prim and proper the queen is, I just narrow my eyes a bit and think to myself…“you poop Queen Elizabeth, I know you poop”

Saturday, June 4, 2011

You Can't fly a Bicycle

So. In case anyone noticed (and added 2 hours), they will have noticed my last post on Solo Parade (for those who don’t know, that blog’s basically a status update but yet not but yet is, sort of like twitter…without the bird).
“Took fast-acting sleeping pills…3 hours ago. Either someone lied, or I’m immortal.”
I posted that close to 4 am. And it just occurred to me it might just be MY clock that’s off…idk but I posted it at 4ish, k?

The past few nights I’ve been trying to naturally go to sleep earlier. Wasn’t working too well (insert “duhhh”). So I tried some sleeping pills. Worked the first two nights! Last night though…yeah, didn’t work. I ended up drawing on sticky notes to pass the time.

I’m so much cooler at 5 in the morning.
Oddly, I hate going to sleep at 5 in the morning. Just that time. 12:00 - 4:30 a.m, I’m fine. 4:31-5:50, I don’t like. Anytime after 5:50 a.m., works.  I’m not sure why, but I just can’t stand it.

Anyways, I took a different sleeping pill (wow I just have tons, I’m such a druggie :P) little after 5 and I’m guessing within a half hour, I was sleeping.

So back to the status, either the ‘fast-acting’ pills lie and don’t work, or I’m just immortal.

I considered drinking coffee and just pulling an all-nighter, but then I wondered if the coffee would actually make me sleep. I decided to skip it.
After all, when I go without sleep, I get a little crazy.
Like this:
My dance is more Russian though.
He’s so cute XD another guy I could just marry.
Jeeze there’s like 8 guys like that. I should just be a fricken polygamist.

But if I go too long without sleep, I get scary and emotionally unstable.
It's really scary.

Here’s some more pictures I took ‘round 4:30ish.

3 legged sheepy!!


My hair smells weird…I should wash it :S
Wow it sounds like I never take a shower…

I got up little after 12. I’m still tired but maybe I just need to get up earlier so I can sleep earlier…?

Still don’t know why my house smelled like blood the other day.

I had some amazing cheerios for breakfast. It had some dehydrated fruit in it…I love dehydrated fruit!! Well, mainly strawberries, but yummmm. I’m trying to find a store that sells just strawberries.

Hmmm well I’ll try to blog more later, I’ve got stuff to do. <sigh> don’t wanna…

P.S. “Feels like I’m high…maybe that’s the epidural

Friday, June 3, 2011

Death of a Goldfish

This is a little creepy. My house smells like blood. No, seriously! It smells like that coppery smell that blood smells like! At first I considered I killed someone in my sleep, or that Cider got a little annoyed and killed the dog. But I have yet to find any bodies and the dog is still alive and well. Then for a split second, I considered I had a bloody nose. Nope. I’ve only ever had 1 bloody nose my entire life. Go me?

I am still not sure why my house smelled like blood but if I find the cause, I’ll let you guys know.

Mnehh I still have a lot to do before I board the bus to go see my godson. He’s doing well, by the way ^^ I’ll try to post pictures of him. OH! Speaking of which, I’m not sure if my friends have internet or not or if I’ll have time, so if I don’t post anything for a bit, I’m sorry in advance. I’ll still post (probably 3-5 times a day) on my other blog here, Solo Parade.

Let’s see hmmm. Oh! I saw the Harry Potter 7 pt. 2 trailer today. I saw it a while ago but I watch it every now and again because yes, I am a Harry Potter nerd. Big time. DON’T JUDGE!
I digress.
But, back to the main point, I have realized Voldymort’s yell “MNYEEEEEEEHHH!” Is really, really, really annoying.
See for yourself:

Ugh it just makes me want to throw a shoe at him.
Or a cupcake.

Poor bald people, everyone just throws cupcakes at them.

 I have done nothing today again. I have so much to do >.> Laundry, pack, clean the crypt (my room), set up the printer, print off my ticket (that is like most important right now…if I don’t print off my ticket, I can’t ride the bus D:), fill out 3 apps, and wrap my godson’s gifts.  Oi. I better get my arse in gear.

Ok so a friend just inquired yesterday’s P.S. “He looks like he’s in a Pimptastic mood today!”
I was on this website,
It’s dedicated the wardrobe, um, mishaps, in Walmart. They say Walmart  has everything….and they do. They got some useful and pointless items, and some VERY interesting people.
One of them is Willy the Pimp, who is quite famous for his outfits.
I found this photograph with this caption.

Is everyone in a pimptastic mood today? ‘Cause you know Willy be pimpin’!

I couldn’t  help myself. I just blurted out “He looks like he’s in a pimptastic mood today!” So I did not create the awesome word of Pimptastic.

Well let’s see. What else to rant about…hmm.
Oh! I’ve been looking more into helping Joplin and I’m becoming serious about it. I’ll mull it over and talk to my parents, but maybe when I get back from Texas, I’ll head to Joplin and help out.

Well I’m off to work on some stuff. I’ll probably post either early tomorrow (which means ‘round noon :P) or in a few hours if I find I have something to share.
 For the time being, enjoy this video. It's one of the BEST fight scene ever. I don't think it could ever be repilcated. There is an  amazing judo chop at 0:22. <Sigh> Captain Kirk is just a beast.


Life-changing. Really. For the record, I think Gorn is just pissed because he has a bad cough and Kirk just took his tea! Did you not catch that last hacking sound at the end?


P.S. “I’m going to go mourn the death of my goldfish, I’ll talk to you later.”

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"I put them on MySpace." "Oh, you were in space!?"

It took a lot for me to post today. This has not been an easy Thursday. It’s one of those days that makes me hate people. But I don’t want to talk about it.

SO! I’ve decided I want a tiger for Christmas. You know, something cuddly :)

I mean I’ve got Cider, but sometimes she is just not in the mood to cuddle. For some reason I just assume tigers are up for cuddling 24/7.

Saw this today. Made me laugh.

Something weird about me: I don’t really like dreams. Mine aren’t the funnest. Yes, I did just use that word. I prefer my sleep to just be without words, without pictures, just black. I wonder if the music I listen to when I sleep has any impact on my dreams or not. Hmm.
Another reason I don’t like dreams is that the good ones I have end up being too good to be true and when I wake, I’m often disappointed. So then the good dreams basically become nightmares. Then when I have real nightmares, I wake up and am usually quite happy my life isn’t like what was in the nightmare. SO I basically don’t like dreams, and I’m grateful for nightmares. Weird, eh?
So I had this dream last night. In the dream, I had to make Paris Hilton’s dog, Trixie, margaritas. Not small ones, mind, tall ones, because “Trixie’s that kind of dog!”
Then I woke up. Or at least, I thought I did. I looked at my phone and my friend Shane, who I haven’t talked to recently, sent me 7 texts that said I needed to talk to him, it was an emergency. Then as I’m trying to text him back, I fall back asleep. Or so I think. I think I wake up again, but Shane’s texts are gone. Instead, there are texts from ‘Polar Bear’ waiting for me. THEN…then, I really wake up. Yeah, all of that was a dream. It was like flippin’ Inception! I was kind of afraid to look at my phone, though, I didn’t know what was real, and what did or didn’t happen. Fortunately, there were no new texts, and the last one I received was the last one I remembered receiving. Phew.

I’m still wondering: who the hell was Polar Bear?!

I bought my bus ticket today. That was annoying. Tried purchasing the ticket on site #1, which said at the end, I couldn’t, and gave me phone number A. Phone number A gave me phone number B. Which gave me website #2. Which gave me phone number C which directed me to website #3, then #4. Quite the, um, adventure. Just think, I’ll get to do it again for my return ticket. Wooo!

I haven’t really done anything today. Just sat around. I’m okay with that.

My mom had to work at 3 today, and while she was getting ready, she left her Young and the Restless on or some other soapy opera. I was so bored watching it, but thank goodness those shows have lots of music in them, so that way when the show goes to a commercial break RIGHT after the ominous music that came after the huge revelation that the blonde prego chick’s mom switched the phones, not the blonde prego chick, and the mom was responsible for trying to break up blonde prego chick’s boyfriend and his mistress but the show made blonde prego chick’s mom look like the bad guy, which is SO STUPID cause the boyfriend is cheating on his baby’s momma for his exgirlfriend…the music reminded me that it was bad and the mom was being sneaky. Thank goodness the music reminded me how to feel!

After the frustration of the show, I turned to my computer and found this song that makes me just want to do slow ballet and sing simultaneously. I had to wait for my mom to leave which felt like forever. Then I did ballet in the kitchen :)
Wish I looked this graceful…

Short-ish post today. Hmpf.

I plan on watching Across the Universe again tonight. I’ll get work done, I know that. Plus I can either sketch or write during the movie, there’s inspiration everywhere. Plus, I love the scene with Mr. Kite. What’s not to love about Eddie Izzard in a top hat and yellow gloves?!

I should go do something productive.

Adieu, my dears.

P.S. He looks like he’s in a Pimptastic mood today!

Heads Will Roll

OK! So I haven’t posted anything (not including on Solo Parade) on any blog for 24 hours. I was a little busy! Here is a recount of my day in an odd order or form.

I could use a Hello Kitty Band-Aid right now!
Last night (1 am-4 am) I worked on an art project that involved some close cutting and a LOT of paper. I basically ended up shredding 3 of my fingers and they have Band-Aids on them. They’re just the regular ones. They’re an odd sort of tan. I wish they were the cute Hello Kitty ones though >.>

But I woke up round 9 am to college people calling and asking questions which I happily answered. I could tell they felt bad, they knew they had woken me up (my voice gives it away, I sound like Regan from The Exorcist) which they should feel privileged, I’m usually VERY hostile when I’m woken up. Perhaps that’s why my mom yells from the doorway…nah.
ANYWAYS I fell back asleep. I wasn’t ready to get up :) You know, it was the “Oh, 10 more minutes wont hurt anything.” thought. Yeah. 10 minutes turned into 5 hours and I woke up at 1. I hate sleeping so late, my whole day is screwed up, in a way. I’ll have to start waking up earlier…I’m not sure if I’ll go to sleep earlier though :P

BUT when I looked at my phone (which I have to play hide-and-seek with EVERY morning. Someone texts me and in my sleep I ignore it, then shove it under a blanket and there’s no telling where it ends up in the morning) I had a text announcing my godson was being born today! EEP! I was so hyped up. I knew it could take hours but I was still very excited. I was, of course, unhappy I couldn’t be there, but I didn’t want to be selfish and have my friend feeling bad. But I kept tabs with her for a bit but then they broke her water and I told her fiancĂ© to stop texting me and pay attention to her.

Then my best friend decided we should start making our own clothes, which I was VERY happy about. Her and I don’t like paying a lot of money for clothes we could make ourselves, plus her and I have styles that make finding clothes for difficult. So I was filled with this amazing energy.

So I decided to spend the afternoon cleaning my room. I’ve lovingly compared the mess within my room (which I call the Crypt sometimes) to Joplin, Missouri. I don’t mean any offense to the tornado victims, of course, but I’ve lost my bed, my chair, my desk, my dresser, part of my closet, a giant box holding a printer, and most of my floor beneath this mess. I was able to clear out 2 trash bags, but it doesn’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything -_- I wish I was more of a minimalist, instead I end up feeling more like a hoarder DX

However, my dad dropped a bombshell of bad news on me halfway through, so I did lose a little of my momentum :/ Ugh family problems. I will NOT go into those, that is for a different blog.

My dad, though, isn’t happy I’m taking a 6 hour bus ride. I’m stoked, just because I love different forms of transportation (I’ve yet to ride a train…you know, the modern ones, not the old rickety ones for family stay-cations and field trips?) and the opportunity to meet new people. My dad once took a 2 hour bus ride and said he hated it. First thing he remembers:
“There was this woman with banana stickers all over her face.”
Sounds promising!
“The weirdos take the bus” 
Then I should fit right in ^_^ I’m remaining positive about the bus ride, I’m quite excited for the experience.
“If you bring chicken, they WILL attack you. I’m surprised I got out alive.”
Not so sure bout that part…

OOH! My best friend taught me a new way to make Ramen. It is SOOOO good. Like…amazing.
However, I saw this picture moments ago. I’m a little afraid of dry Ramen now.

Since I was busy cleaning today, I of course had lots of music playing. It keeps me entertained, and if no one’s home, I get to sing ^^  I kept hitting the ‘back’ button though, when my mp3 hit the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I love them.
I originally found them on an airplane. Or rather, their video. I wish I had found them though.


Oh! I found this picture and it reminded me of the guitar player, Nick Zinner. Ugh. I could marry that guy. Or his hair. He’s also a photographer! My favorite collection of his is Beds, it’s perfect.
But I found this picture. I’m not sure if it’s him, but the hair…

 He looks like Nick Cave, no?

I also found this picture from  (I can’t get enough of this site) and it made me worry about some people.


SPEAKING OF BABIES….I was notified my friend had her baby. My godson was born ^^  No pictures yet but I got to hear him, he’s so cute. I’m so excited to see him in less than a week.

Well I’m off to…I’m not sure. I could write, clean, sketch, work on my art thing a bit more…but I think I’m just going to sit and write out my thoughts. Then sleep. I’ll probably cuddle with Cider. I miss her, even though she’s right by my side. Don’t ask.

P.S. “Aww, I got Tacos at Midnight in my eye”